(800)334-1776 | service@stencilease.com |
To help us make our website better and easier to use, we ask for your help. We appreciate your opinions, comments and questions, along with any design suggestions you would have or would like to see. By filling out the form below, let us know what we need to do to better serve you. Of if you prefer simply email service@stencilease.com. *If you are a vendor please see below.
We have Lettering and Marking Stencils and custom lettering available to order online or if you have any questions you can call us at 800-334-1776. Our Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday 10 am - 4 pm E.S.T. We care a lot about our customers and work very hard for them.
If you are not a customer, please avoid our resources dedicated to customers. Customer service reps are instructed to hang up immediately if the caller is not a customer and asks for the Owner, manager or purchaser.
For vendors and other sales calls, email contact is preferred: use info@stencilease.com. Prospecting emails to our service email address are immediately sent to the trash. The time wasted on non-customers is a missed opportunity. If you have to call, ( the owner and purchaser will normally not take a prospecting call, you can leave a message at 860- 395-0150 ext 210.)
Drop Us A Line
We’re happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with an estimate. Just send us a message in the form below with any questions you may have.